CCM Dance SERIES Presents


March 2-5, 2023, Cohen Family Studio Theater

  • Director | Shauna Steele
  • Choreographers | Rose Engel*, Sydney D’Orso*, Mandi Weitz*, Hazel Alexander*, Erin Decker*, Morgan Montour* and Gracie Zamiska*
  • Production Stage Manager | Rachel Ledington*
  • Lighting Designer | Dionte Mercado*
  • Associate Lighting Designers | Claire Michels*
  • Sound Designer | Bryan Pivaral*
  • Dance Arts Administration Graduate Assistant | Aaron Libby
  • Dance Costume Design Graduate Assistant | Clara Cavins
  • Dance Faculty | Thomas Bell, Deirdre Carberry, Brian Cashwell, Isabele Elefson, Jeri Gatch, Jonnie Lynn Jacobs-Percer, Julius Jenkins, Shane Ohmer, Molly Perez, Jiang Qi, Shauna Steele, Tricia Sundbeck, Michael Tevlin, Rae Vrbancic
  • Physical Therapists | UC & NovaCare: Alan H et. Al

*CCM student

Content advisory: This production contains haze/strobe lighting effects and adult content, including audio depicting hate speech, gun violence and trauma.

The Student Choreographers' Showcase will last approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes, with no intermission


Amber Boyd, Heidi Dunning, Heather Graden, Alan Husarchik, Jonnie Lynn Jacobs Percer, Diana Queen of Diana’s Dancewear, Rose Smith, Jennifer Thiemet, Cathy Petraits, Dale Pickett, Jefferson James, Greater Cincinnati Dance Alliance (GCDA), Novacare.

Dance Selections

Beat As One

  • Choreographer | Gracie Zamiska
  • Music | ‘Optimist’ Zoë Keating
  • Costumes | CCM Dance 
  • Dancers | Hazel Alexander, Willie Harris Jr., Emerson Lecrone, Grace Mitchell, Morgan Montour, Iliana Rich, Miranda Sharer, Ying Ying Tong, Mandi Weitz 

It Would Feel Like This

  • Choreographer | Erin Decker
  • Music | Excerpts from WFAA newscast, "World Star Money Interlude" by Joji, "Pills" by Joji, "Like Real People Do" by Hozier
  • Costumes | CCM Dance + Dancers
  • Dancers | Hannah Altmiller, Elise Arcuri, Katie Griffith, Shaelyn Kuipers,  Kelsey Lewis (US), Cynthia Lutz, Miranda Sharer, Mira Sidhu, Laykin Stoess

Program Note 

Discovering who you are can be a dark and uncertain moment in an individual's life. However, accepting and growing into your identity feels like a storm has cleared and the sun is finally out again. There is a noticeable lack of queer women representation within the dance world. This piece is a nod to this lack and provides more representation on the subject.


  • Choreographer | Mandi Weitz
  • Costumes | CCM Dance
  • Dancers | Celeste Lau, Emerson Lecrone, Emilia Mieczykowski, Regina Murphy, Ying Ying Tong

Program Note

It's nothing but a whisper, a shimmer, a fragment of something just barely visible. Is a scintilla of virtuosity worth the risk of failure? Hold onto that spark. Ideas shape the world, and every idea must begin a scintilla.


  • Choreographer | Rose Engel 
  • Music | ‘When I Grow Up’ Pussycat Dolls, ‘A Little Party Never Killed Nobody’ Fergie
  • Costumes | CCM Dance + Dancers
  • Dancers | Shaelyn Kuipers, Grace Mitchell, Grace Ortega, Mira Sidhu, Sofia Stitz, Maddie Talbot, Maddie Weber, Claire Zakrajsek, Caitlyn Wehner

Program Note

Flash Warning: there may be flashing lights during this piece.  

Who Will Tomorrow Bring?

  • Choreographer | Morgan Montour
  • Composer | Philip Glass & Lautten Company, The Lumineers, Max Richter, Daniel Hope, & Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin
  • Music | Morning Passages (from "The Hours"), Patience, & Spring 1 - 2012
  • Dancers | AJ Gross, Willie J. Harris, Celeste Lau, Eva Moore, Claire Zakrajsek, Gracie Zamiska
  • Understudies | Sophia Gray, Taylor Jacubenta

forgive me father for [ I ] have sinned

  • Choreographer | Hazel Beatrice Alexander 
  • Music | ‘Talk About Sufferin'’ Ricky Skaggs, ‘Haunted Nights’  Sagason
  • Costumes | CCM Dance
  • Dancers | Iliana Rich, Kelsey Lewis, Cynthia Lutz, Eva Moore, Grace Ortega, Isabella Ramsey, Sofia Stitz, Maddie Webber, Caitlyn Wehner
  • Understudy | Iliana Rich

Program Note

Inspired by religious trauma syndrome (RTS), this work explores the effects of RTS. RTS is a form of PTSD that is experienced by those who are leaving or have left a dogmatic/authoritarian religion. RTS affects one's self-worth, instilling a sense of shame and fear. It often contributes to depression, anxiety, personal relationships, and more.

Pas de Poisson

  • Choreographer | Sydney D’Orso
  • Music | ‘Prickly Pear’ Portico Quartet
  • Costumes | CCM Dance
  • Dancers | Sarah Bartlett, Sophia Gray, Katie Griffith, Emilia Mieczykowski, Regina Murphy, Isabella Ramsey, Isabella Thoroughman

Program Note

“Pas de poisson [pah duh pwah-SAWN]. Fish step.” -Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet by Gail Grant

Production Staff

  • Technical Director | Stirling Shelton
  • Assistant Stage Managers | Ella Gover, Hannah Kate Hawver
  • Production Electrician | Ashton Karp
  • Assistant Production Electrician | Jeffrey Bell
  • Electrics Show Assistants/Lighting Graduate Assistants | Jessica Drayton, Kristen Peck
  • Assistant Technical Director | Gabby Ullman
  • Set Construction Crew | Matti Andrews, Jeffrey Bell, William Blank, El (Elora) Bowers, Anna Camerer, Nick Feldmann, Raeya Garcia, Ella Gover, Laura Hanks, Willow Heichel, Corvo (Mary) Hopkins, Lily Landoch, Kaitlin Mier, Maddi Myer, Kait Naylor, Molly Powell, Charlie Raschke, Evan Reinhart, Paloma Robles, Kassidy Schley, Moira Seger, Jordan Shaw, Emma Shreve, Morgan Terry, Bethany Untener, Reagan Warvel
  • Scene Shop Assistants | Mckenna Brennan, Iz Dillon, Lukas Hummeldorf, Nick Hunley, Benji Lookatch, Grace Mayo, Janay Sukkarieh, Gabby Ullman, Logan Vanderpool
  • Production Sound Engineer| Brian Haack
  • Assistant Production Sound Engineer | Bri Kelly

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CCM News


CCM hosts public lecture on rock music and politics in South...

Event: April 9, 2025 2:30 PM

The UC College-Conservatory of Music's public lecture series continues at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, with a talk on rock and politics presented by guest speaker Minerva Campion, who serves as Professor of Political Science at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia. This talk is free and open to the general public. It will be presented in Watson Recital Hall, which is located on the 1000 level of the Corbett Center for the Performing Arts in the CCM Village.


CCM alumna wins Met Opera's Laffont Competition

March 23, 2025

UC College-Conservatory of Music alumna Emma Marhefka, soprano (MM Voice ’23) has "won the Met" in the grand finals of the 2025 Metropolitan Opera Eric and Dominique Laffont Competition. One of the most prestigious singing competitions in the world, the Laffont Competition finals took place on March 16, with singers accompanied by the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Five singers won the finals including Marhefka. CCM singer Samuel Kidd, baritone (MM Voice ‘21), also competed in the final round.

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CCMpower is a volunteer group of fans, advocates and alumni dedicated to empowering students and fueling the future of the arts through scholarship opportunities and more.

The competitive scholarships CCMpower provides help attract and retain the best and brightest students, nurture professional development opportunities and – in turn – continue CCM’s tradition of excellence for the next generation of student-artists. Join or renew your CCMpower membership today to help provide critical scholarship funds.

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Louise Dieterle Nippert Trust
Scholarship and Resident Artist Supporter
The Corbett Endowment at CCM
Dance Department Supporter
All-Steinway School Supporter
The Joseph and Frances Jones Poetker Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation, Ritter & Randolph, LLC, Corporate Counsel
Visiting Artists & Thinking About Music Supporter
William L. Gasch Endowment Fund for Dance Excellence
CCM Dance Department Supporter
J. Brett Offenberger, MD and Mr. Douglas E. Duckett;
Dr. & Mrs. Carl G. Fischer 
Greg Mathein 
Jim & Linda Miller 
George & Caroll Roden
Musical Theatre Department Supporters AV Marketplace
Theater Design & Production Supporter
The Estate of Genevieve Smith
Opera Production Supporter
Bacchus Legacy Foundation
TAPAA Guest Director Supporter
Rafael and Kimberly de Acha
Opera D’Arte Supporter
Estate of Mrs. William A. Friedlander
Dr. Randolph L. Wadsworth
Judith Schonbach Landgren and Peter Landgren
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Santen
Elizabeth C.B. Sittenfeld
Elizabeth Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mrs. Theodore W. Striker
Mrs. Harry M. Hoffheimer
Ariel Quartet Supporters
Friedlander Family Fund
Karl Zipser
Chamber Music at CCM
Jan Rogers
Willard and Jean Mulford Charitable Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation
Choral Studies Supporters
Classical Guitar Supporter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hirschhorn
Philharmonia Supporters
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
Starling Pre-Collegiate Supporter
Starling Strings Supporter
Dr. Timothy E. and Janet L. Johnson
Thom Miles and Roberta Gary
Organ Department Supporters
Keyboard Club of Cincinnati
L. Ried Schott
Piano Department Supporters
Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Wind Studies Supporters
Willis Music/ Buddy Rogers Music
LINKS Instrument Donation Supporter
Strader Fund of the Greter Cincinnati Foundation
CCM Innovation Supporter

Sponsors listed as of August 1, 2024

General Information

Land Acknowledgment

The Cincinnati area and the land that the University of Cincinnati has been built on is the native homeland of the Indigenous Algonquian speaking tribes, including the Delaware, Miami, and Shawnee tribes.

Box Office

Located in the CCM Atrium, the Box Office is open Monday through Friday, 1-5 p.m.; and one hour prior to curtain for all ticketed performances. MasterCard, Visa and Discover cards are accepted.

  • Location: CCM Atrium Lobby next to Corbett Auditorium
  • Telephone: 513-556-4183
  • Email:
  • Mail: CCM Box Office, P.O. Box 210003, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0003


Convenient parking is available in the CCM Garage at the base of Corry Boulevard off of Jefferson Avenue. Additional parking is available in garages throughout the UC campus. Any questions concerning on-campus parking should be directed to UC Parking Services at 513-556-2283.

Tax Credit

If you find that you cannot attend your performance, your tickets may be donated for tax credit as a charitable contribution. Simply notify the Box Office prior to the performance to release your seats, and give your name and address. A tax donation receipt will be mailed to you.

Lost and Found

If you have lost an item, contact lost and found at 513-556-9413.

House Policies

The House Manager has been instructed to minimize the disturbance to patrons already seated when accommodating latecomers. The director and producer of each production select times that are least likely to interrupt the performance, and latecomers will be seated only during these times. Latecomers who miss these opportunities will not be admitted until intermission. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.

Cameras, Phones and Recording Devices

The video or audio recording of performances is prohibited.

The use of cameras, with or without flashes, recording devices, cellular phones and other electronic devices inside the theater is prohibited. Please leave them with the House Manager.

Smoking and Refreshments

Smoking and refreshments are not permitted in the theater. Effective May 1, 2017, smoking and tobacco use (including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes) shall be prohibited by students, staff, faculty, visitors, vendors and contractors at all times in or on University of Cincinnati properties, including events on university property during non-school hours. This includes all shelters, indoor and outdoor theaters and athletic facilities, bridges, walkways, sidewalks, residence halls, parking lots, and street parking and garages owned by the university.

Hearing Enhancement

Telex listening devices are available for checkout during performances in both Patricia Corbett Theater and Corbett Auditorium. Please inquire at the Box Office.

Wheelchair Seating

Wheelchair seating is available in both Corbett Auditorium and Patricia Corbett Theater. Seating is limited, so reservations should be made with the Box Office when ordering tickets. These seats are subject to availability.

Group Sales

The Box Office can accommodate groups for major productions and concerts. Preview and benefit performances are also available for some productions. For more information, call the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183.

CCM Faculty and Staff

CCM's faculty and staff and its state-of-the-art facilities make possible the professional training and exceptional education on which CCM believes the future of the arts relies. The school's roster of eminent faculty regularly receives distinguished honors for creative and scholarly work, and its alumni have achieved notable success in the performing and media arts. More than 150 internationally recognized faculty members work with students from around the world, specializing in eight areas of study.

Know Your Exit

Map depicting exits from Cohen Family Studio Theater

Performance dates and repertoire are subject to change. View CCM's current calendar of events.

The purpose of these performances is educational, and they are part of a University of Cincinnati academic program.