Herr Santiagu
Grot Sanctiagu
Eultreya esuseya
Deius aia nos.
Eodem autore tempore misit Herodes rex manus ut adfligeret quosdam de ecclesia occidit autem Iacobum fratrem
Iohannis gladio.
En aquel mismo tiempo el rey Herodes echó mano a algunos de la iglesia para maltratarles. Y mató a espada a
Jacobo, hermano de Juan.
Aldi hartan, Herodes erregea eliz elkarteko batzuei gogor erasotzen hasi zen. Santiago, Joanen anaia, ezpataz
hilarazi zuen.
Ver ce temps-là, le roi Hérode se mit à persécuter quelques-un de membres de l’Église. Il fit mourir par l’épée
Jacques, frère de Jean.
Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James, the
brother of John with the sword.
Um dieselbige Zeit legte der König Herodes die Hände an, etliche von der Gemeinde, sie zu peinigen. Er tötete aber
Jakobus, den Bruder des Johannes, mit dem Schwert.
Before this death the Apostle journeyed,
preaching the word to unbelievers.
Returning, unheeded,
to die in Jerusalem –
a truth beyond Gospel.
Jacobus, filius Zebedaei, frate Johannis,
Hic Spaniae et occidentalia loca praedicat, (1)
foy el o primeiro que preegou en Galizia (2)
Herod rots on a borrowed throne,
while the saint is translated
to Heaven and Spain,
the body taken at night from the tomb,
the stone of the tomb becoming the boat
that carries him back ad extremis terrarum,
back to the land that denied him in life.
Huius beatissimi apostoli
sacra ossa ad Hispanias translata; (3)
Et despois que o rrey Erodes mãdou matar en Iherusalem,
trouxerõ o corpo del os diçipolos por mar a Galiza (4)
From Jerusalem to Finisterre,
from the heart of the world
to the end of the land in a boat made of stone,
without rudder or sail.
Guided by grace to the Galician shore.
abandonnant à la Providence
la soin de la sepulture, (5)
O ajutor omnium seculorum,
O decus apostollorum,
O lus clara galicianorum,
O avocate peregrinorum,
Jacobe, suplantatur viciorum
Solve nostrum
Cathenes delitorum
E duc a salutum portum.
O judge of all the world,
O glory of the apostles,
O clear light of Galicia,
O defender of pilgrims,
James, destroyer of sins,
deliver us from evil and lead us to safe harbour.
At night on Lebredon
by Iria Flavia
the hermit Pelayo
at prayer and alone
saw in the heavens
a ring of bright stars
shining like beacons
over the plain
and as in Bethlehem
the Magi were guided
the hermit was led
by this holy sign
for this was the time
given to Spain
for St. James to be found
after eight hundred years
in Compostella, by the field of stars.
Herr Santiagu
Grot Sanctiagu
Eultreya esuseya
Deius aia nos.