CCMOnStage Presents



7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 23, 2022

Summit Country Day School Chapel

CCM Chamber Choir

Joe Miller, conductor 

Dale Trumbore is a Los Angeles-based composer and writer whose music has been praised by the New York Times for its “soaring melodies and beguiling harmonies.” Her poignant work How To Go On is the cornerstone of this program, with other works by John Taverner, John Cage, Eric Whitacre and Jaakko Mantyjarvi. With this concert, we remember those whom we have recently lost.

Watch Concert Excerpts On Demand

Musical Selections

Part 1 (dealing)

  • Exhortation and Kohima 
    John Tavener (1944-2013)
    • I. The Exhortation

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them." - Laurence Binyon from For the Fallen


  • Four
    John Cage (1912-1992)

  • How to Go On 
     Dale Trumbore (b. 1987)
    • I. How
    • II. However Difficult

"How can we go on, knowing the end of the story?" - Barbara Crooker, excerpt from “Some Fine Day”


"However difficult you think it might be,
it is yours, this life,
even the failures
are yours,
even the garden, though it be unkempt,
is yours."
- Laura Foley, excerpt from “Autumn Musings”

Part 2 (dealing)

  • Nunc dimittis 
    Gustav Holst 

  • How to Go On 
    Dale Trumbore

"We need to separate to see
the life we’ve made.
We need to leave our house
where someone waits for us, patiently,
warm beneath the sheets.
We need to don a sweater, a coat, mittens,
wrap a scarf around our neck,
stride down the road,
a cold winter morning,
and turn our head back, to see it – perched
on the top of the hill, our life
lit from inside."
- Laura Foley, from Syringa


  • A Boy and a Girl 
    Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)

Part 3 (accepting)

  • How to Go On 
    Dale Trumbore 
    • IV. Relinquishment

"I am looking at pale blue ponds of melted ice
on a frozen river
and in them perfect clouds passing.
Wind sends ripples along the water
And trees cut sharp lines into the sky.  Soon
it will be gone, all of it
and I will be sitting in darkness,
sitting by a dark window, glad
for having seen this earth,
her elegant grace,
how she turns away from the sun.
And I will be learning, again, how to give it all up by simply turning.
How to give it up to darkness, all you love.
All of it.
How to give it up again and again."
- Laura Foley, from Syringa


  • Canticum Calamitatis Maritimae 
    Jaako Mäntyjärvi (b. 1963)

Part 4 (moving forward/peace)

  • Soon I Will Be Done
    Marques L.A. Garrett

  • How to Go On 
    Dale Trumbore
    • VIII. When at Last

"When at last I join the democracy of dirt,
a tussock earthed over and grass healed,
I’ll gladly conspire in my own diminishment.
Let a pink peony bloom from my chest
and may it be visited by a charm of bees,
who will then carry the talcum of pollen
and nectar of clover to the grove where they hive.
Let the honey they make be broken
from its comb, and release from its golden hold,
onto some animal tongue, my soul."
- Amy Fleury, from Sympathetic Magic

Texts and Translations

Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine, 
secundum verbum tuum in pace.

Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare tuum 
Quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum

Lumen ad revelationem gentium, 
et gloriam plebis tuae Israel.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto

Sicut erat, et nunc, et semper, 
et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen.

Now let thy servant depart in peace, 
O Lord, according to thy word.

For my eyes have seen thy salvation, 
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples,

A light as revelation to the Gentiles, 
And a glory of thy people Israel.

Glory be God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever will be, 
World without end. Amen.


Stretched out on the grass,
a boy and a girl.
Savoring their oranges,
giving their kisses like waves exchanging foam.

Stretched out on the beach,
a boy and a girl.
Savoring their limes,
giving their kisses like clouds exchanging foam.

Stretched out underground,
a boy and a girl.
Saying nothing, never kissing,
giving silence for silence.

Octavio Paz, 1914-1998
English Translation by Muriel Rukeyser, 1913-1980

Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, 
et lux perpetua luceat eis. 
Miserere Domine

Plus octingenti homines vitam amiserunt 
Calamitae navali in 
Mari Baltico septentrionali facta. 
Navis traiectoria nomine Estonia cum 
Tallinno Stockholmiam versus 
Navigaret, saeva tempestate orta eversa 
et submersa est.

In navi circiter mille vectores errant. 
Calamitate Estoniae nongenti decem homines 
Perierunt centum undequadraginta sunt 

Qui descendunt mare in navibus 
Facientes operationem in aquis multis 
Ipsi viderunt opera Domini 
Et mirabilia eius in profundo.

Dixit et stetit spiritus 
Et exaltati sunt fluctus eius; 
Ascendunt usque ad caelos 
Et descendunt usque ad abyssos

Anima eorum in malis tabescebat
Turbati sunt et moti sunt sicut
Et omnis sapiential eorum devorata est. 

Et clamaverunt ad Dominum 
Cum tribularentur 
Et de necessitatibus eorum eduxit eos 
Et statuit procellam eius; 
In auram et siluerunt fluctus eius 
Et laetati sunt quia siluerunt 
Et deduxit eos in portum voluntatis eorum. 

Requiem æternam. 

May the eternal light shine upon them, O Lord, 
and may perpetural light shine upon them. 
Have mercy, O Lord.

Over eight hundred people perished 
in a shipwreck in the 
northern Baltic Sea. 
The car ferry Estonia, en route from 
Tallinn to Stockholm, 
was overturned in a severe 
storm and sank.

There were about 1000 passengers on board. 
910 people lost their lives in the wreck of the Estonia; 
139 were saved.

They that go down to the sea in ships, 
that do business in great waters; 
These see the works of the Lord, 
and his wonders in the deep.

For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, 
which lifteth up the waves thereof. 
They mount up to the heaven, 
they go down again to the depths;

their soul is melted because of trouble. 
They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, 
And are at their wit’s end.

Then they cry unto the Lord in
their trouble, 
and he bringeth them out of their distresses. 
He maketh the storm a calm, 
so that the waves thereof are still. 
Then are they glad because they be quiet; 
so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. 

Eternal peace…

-Nunti Latin; Psalm 107:23-30

Soon I will be done-a with the troubles of the world. 
Going home to live with God! 
No more weeping and a wailing. 
Going home to live with God! 
Oh, yes, I want to meet my mother, 
Oh, yes, I want to meet my father, 
I want to meet my Jesus. 
I’m going to live with God.

About CCM Choral

CCM's Choral Studies Program is internationally recognized for more than 50 years of excellence in training conductors for successful, lifelong careers in the choral arts. Our choral ensembles are proud to offer transformative musical experiences for singers and audiences. CCM has delighted multiple generations of music lovers with the concerts presented by its five choral ensembles: the 32-voice Chamber Choir, 45-voice Chorale, 30-voice Chamber Singers, Vox Antiqua — a select vocal/instrumental ensemble dedicated to Medieval, Renaissance and early Baroque music — and 100-voice UC Men's and UC Women's Choruses. Performances range from acclaimed staged productions presented in collaboration with CCM’s Opera Department to presentations of contemporary works like David Lang’s Little Match Girl Passion and Tan Dun’s Water Passion after St. Matthew.


CCM Chamber Choir Roster

Joe Miller, music director and conductor


  • Jisoo Bae
  • Hyein Hong
  • Audra House
  • Su hyeon Park
  • Katherine Riederer
  • Laura Stanell
  • Ann Weible


  • Jaeyoon Choi
  • Reed Demangone
  • Reina Dickey
  • Lucy Evans
  • Cheryl Kim
  • Isabel Lee
  • Ariana Maubach
  • Maya McGuire
  • Sarah Scofield
  • Nia Spaulding


  • Zachary Burnham
  • Jinpark Choi
  • Jarrett Hazelton
  • Nicholas Metry
  • Gregory Miller
  • Shane Thomas, Jr.
  • Logan Wagner


  • Harry Mathurin-Cecil
  • Joshua Goines
  • Isiah Maxey
  • John Mburu
  • Jay Mobley
  • Joseph O’Shea
  • Nathaniel Schludecker
  • Nathan Smith
  • Joseph Taff
  • Emilio Vasquez
the flair and technique of a professional ensemble

Rafael's Music Notes

On stage

Upcoming must-see events + top news from UC's College-Conservatory of Music

Tickets for CCM's spring 2022 events are on sale now! View our full calendar of events.

Performance information and updates will be shared on the CCM website and in our Next OnStage e-newsletter.

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CCM News


CCM alumna wins Met Opera's Laffont Competition

March 23, 2025

UC College-Conservatory of Music alumna Emma Marhefka, soprano (MM Voice ’23) has "won the Met" in the grand finals of the 2025 Metropolitan Opera Eric and Dominique Laffont Competition. One of the most prestigious singing competitions in the world, the Laffont Competition finals took place on March 16, with singers accompanied by the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Five singers won the finals including Marhefka. CCM singer Samuel Kidd, baritone (MM Voice ‘21), also competed in the final round.


Watch selections from the CCM Philharmonia's Feb. 19 concert

March 14, 2025

The CCM Philharmonia student orchestra continued its 2024-25 concert season on Feb. 19, performing works inspired by the natural wonders and legends of Northern Europe and Russia. Dubbed "Northern Lights," the eclectic program included concertos by composers Alexander Scriabin and Sergei Prokofiev, giving student soloists a chance to shine. Selections from that concert are now available for on-demand viewing.

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CCMpower is a volunteer group of fans, advocates and alumni dedicated to empowering students and fueling the future of the arts through scholarship opportunities and more.

The competitive scholarships CCMpower provides help attract and retain the best and brightest students, nurture professional development opportunities and – in turn – continue CCM’s tradition of excellence for the next generation of student-artists. Join or renew your CCMpower membership today to help provide critical scholarship funds.

Join or renew your CCMpower member today to help provide critical scholarship funds. Visit to learn more.



Louise Dieterle Nippert Trust
Scholarship and Resident Artist Supporter
The Corbett Endowment at CCM
Dance Department Supporter
All-Steinway School Supporter
The Joseph and Frances Jones Poetker Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation, Ritter & Randolph, LLC, Corporate Counsel
Visiting Artists & Thinking About Music Supporter
William L. Gasch Endowment Fund for Dance Excellence
CCM Dance Department Supporter
J. Brett Offenberger, MD and Mr. Douglas E. Duckett;
Dr. & Mrs. Carl G. Fischer 
Greg Mathein 
Jim & Linda Miller 
George & Caroll Roden
Musical Theatre Department Supporters AV Marketplace
Theater Design & Production Supporter
The Estate of Genevieve Smith
Opera Production Supporter
Bacchus Legacy Foundation
TAPAA Guest Director Supporter
Rafael and Kimberly de Acha
Opera D’Arte Supporter
Estate of Mrs. William A. Friedlander
Dr. Randolph L. Wadsworth
Judith Schonbach Landgren and Peter Landgren
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Santen
Elizabeth C.B. Sittenfeld
Elizabeth Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mrs. Theodore W. Striker
Mrs. Harry M. Hoffheimer
Ariel Quartet Supporters
Friedlander Family Fund
Karl Zipser
Chamber Music at CCM
Jan Rogers
Willard and Jean Mulford Charitable Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation
Choral Studies Supporters
Classical Guitar Supporter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hirschhorn
Philharmonia Supporters
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
Starling Pre-Collegiate Supporter
Starling Strings Supporter
Dr. Timothy E. and Janet L. Johnson
Thom Miles and Roberta Gary
Organ Department Supporters
Keyboard Club of Cincinnati
L. Ried Schott
Piano Department Supporters
Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Wind Studies Supporters
Willis Music/ Buddy Rogers Music
LINKS Instrument Donation Supporter
Strader Fund of the Greter Cincinnati Foundation
CCM Innovation Supporter

Sponsors listed as of August 1, 2024

General Information

Box Office

Located in the CCM Atrium, the Box Office is open Monday through Friday, 12:30-6 p.m.; Saturday, noon-4 p.m.; and one hour prior to curtain for all ticketed performances. MasterCard, Visa and Discover cards are accepted.

  • Location: CCM Atrium Lobby next to Corbett Auditorium
  • Telephone: 513-556-4183
  • Email:
  • Mail: CCM Box Office, P.O. Box 210003, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0003


Convenient parking is available in the CCM Garage at the base of Corry Boulevard off of Jefferson Avenue. Additional parking is available in garages throughout the UC campus. Any questions concerning on-campus parking should be directed to UC Parking Services at 513-556-2283.

Tax Credit

If you find that you cannot attend your performance, your tickets may be donated for tax credit as a charitable contribution. Simply notify the Box Office prior to the performance to release your seats, and give your name and address. A tax donation receipt will be mailed to you.

COVID Careful

UC has updated its indoor masking policy to align with the CDC's recommendations for masking. Beginning on Saturday, March 12, all masking restrictions will be eliminated in all CCM spaces, so long as rates of hospitalization and transmissibility remain in the low-to-medium zones. This means masking will no longer be required in classrooms, rehearsals, performances, etc. for everyone — students, faculty, staff, campus visitors and audience members. Members of our community who prefer to continue to wear a mask when indoors or in close proximity with others for personal safety should continue to do so. Please continue to be sensitive and respectful to the needs of others as we work through this transition. CCM performance venues are currently reduced to 50% capacity. Additional measures may be in place as conditions develop based on guidance from the CDC and UC's physician-led COVID response team. Visit the UC Public Health website and CCM's COVID-19 website for additional information and updates.

Lost and Found

If you have lost an item, contact lost and found at 513-556-9413.

House Policies

The House Manager has been instructed to minimize the disturbance to patrons already seated when accommodating latecomers. The director and producer of each production select times that are least likely to interrupt the performance, and latecomers will be seated only during these times. Latecomers who miss these opportunities will not be admitted until intermission. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.

Cameras, Phones and Recording Devices

The video or audio recording of performances is prohibited.

The use of cameras, with or without flashes, recording devices, cellular phones and other electronic devices inside the theater is prohibited. Please leave them with the House Manager.

Smoking and Refreshments

Smoking and refreshments are not permitted in the theater. Effective May 1, 2017, smoking and tobacco use (including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes) shall be prohibited by students, staff, faculty, visitors, vendors and contractors at all times in or on University of Cincinnati properties, including events on university property during non-school hours. This includes all shelters, indoor and outdoor theaters and athletic facilities, bridges, walkways, sidewalks, residence halls, parking lots, and street parking and garages owned by the university.

Hearing Enhancement

Telex listening devices are available for checkout during performances in both Patricia Corbett Theater and Corbett Auditorium. Please inquire at the Box Office.

Wheelchair Seating

Wheelchair seating is available in both Corbett Auditorium and Patricia Corbett Theater. Seating is limited, so reservations should be made with the Box Office when ordering tickets. These seats are subject to availability.

Group Sales

The Box Office can accommodate groups for major productions and concerts. Preview and benefit performances are also available for some productions. For more information, call the CCM Box Office at 513-556-4183.

CCM Faculty and Staff

CCM's faculty and staff and its state-of-the-art facilities make possible the professional training and exceptional education on which CCM believes the future of the arts relies. The school's roster of eminent faculty regularly receives distinguished honors for creative and scholarly work, and its alumni have achieved notable success in the performing and media arts. More than 150 internationally recognized faculty members work with students from around the world, specializing in eight areas of study.

Performance dates and repertoire are subject to change. View CCM's current calendar of events.

The purpose of these performances is educational, and they are part of a University of Cincinnati academic program.