CCM Directory
Names listed in alphabetical order.
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Staff Listings by Administrative Office
Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies
Stephanie P. Schlagel,
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor of Musicology
Academic Affairs
Stephanie P. Schlagel,
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor of Musicology
Admissions and Aid
Caroline Sackleh,
Assistant Director of Admissions (Undergraduate)
Have questions about CCM Admissions?Ā You can also email us atĀ
Box Office
Business Affairs
College Office
Gabriel Saba,
Academic Advisor; Adjunct Instructor of General Studies
Deanās Office
Development and Alumni Relations
Elaine Cox,
Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Adjunct Instructor of Arts Administration
Prep Programs
Anne Cushing-Reid,
Assistant Dean and Director of CCM Prep; Adjunct Instructor of Arts Administration
Tricia Ann Sundbeck,
CCM Prep Performing Arts Specialist; CCM Prep Ballet Director; Adjunct Professor of Dance
Public Information
Recording Productions
Melissa Godoy,
Managing Producer of Digital Recording; Adjunct Instructor of Media Production
SimĆ³n D. Sotelo,
Director of Recording Production; Adjunct Instructor of Digital Audio
Student Services
Dalziel Reliford-Stone,
Staff Clinician-Counseling Center; CCM/DAAP Embedded Counselor
Summer Programs
Anne Cushing-Reid,
Assistant Dean and Director of CCM Prep; Adjunct Instructor of Arts Administration
CCM Operations & Performance Management
Performance Management
Facilities & Performance Services
Mail and Duplication
Master Electrician
Gregory S. Falcione,
Master Electrician; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Lighting Design and Technology
Piano Technician
Rebekah Whitacre,
Director of Piano Services; Adjunct Instructor of Piano Technology
Scheduling Services
CCM's Scheduling Office is located in Corbett Center Room 3820. The office can be reached atĀ CCMSched@ucmail.uc.eduĀ orĀ 513-556-9430.
Digital Technology Solutions (DTS)
Departmental Offices
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
Jonathan Kregor, Division Head | 513-556-9464 | MEHĀ 4225C |
Darlene Miller,Ā Administrative Secretary II | 513-556-6046 | MEH 4225F |
Graduate Student Association/ Music Research Forum | 513-556-9564 | MEH 4225H |
Ensembles and Conducting
Name |
TelephoneĀ |
Office Location |
Kevin Michael Holzman, Division Head |
513-556-9424 | CC 2530 |
Katie Frisco, Program Manager | 513-556-2696 | CC 1450 |
Wind Studies GA OfficeĀ | 513-556-2160 | CC 2530 |
Winds Library |
513-556-2555 | CC 2372 |
Orchestral Library |
513-556-9414 | CC 1360 |
Orchestral GA OfficeĀ | 513-556-3521 | CC 2580 |
Choral LibraryĀ | 513-556-9416 | DVAC 109 |
UC Men's and Women's Choruses OfficeĀ | 513-556-9415 | DVAC 105 |
UC BandsĀ | 513-556-2263 | LAU 13 |
Nick Photinos, Eminent Scholar, Chamber Music | Ā | MEM 426 |
Joe Miller, Director, Choral Studies | 513-556-9419 | DVAC 115 |
Kim Pensyl, Director, Commercial Music Production |
513-556-9448 | CC 1430 |
Craig Bailey, Interim Director, Jazz Studies | 513-556-2696 | CCĀ 1410 |
Mark Gibson, Director, Orchestral StudiesĀ | 513-556-9420 | CC 2550 |
Kevin Michael Holzman, Director, Wind StudiesĀ | 513-556-9424 | CC 2530 |
General Studies
Name | Telephone | Office Location | Ā |
Kim Pensyl, Division Head |
513-556-9448 | CC 1430 | Ā |
Darlene Miller,Ā Administrative Secretary II | 513-556-6046 | MEH 4225F | Ā |
Kristy Swift, Bachelor of Arts in Music Program Lead | 513-556-6046 | Ā | Ā |
Holly Pratt, Music Minor Program Lead | 513-556-6046 | Ā | Ā |
General Studies Faculty Office | Ā | MEH 5218 | Ā |
Keyboard Studies
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
Andrew Villemez,Ā Interim Division HeadĀ | 513-556-6017 | MEM 450 |
Suzanne Wright, Executive Staff Assistant | 513-556-6017 | MEH 5243 |
Michael Chertock, Piano Department ChairĀ | 513-556-9531 | MEM 446 |
Lynn Worcester Jones, Group Piano and Piano PedagogyĀ | 513-556-9525 | MEH 5221 |
Kenneth Griffiths, Director of Accompanying Activities | 513-556-9514 | DVAC 211 |
Media Production
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
Kevin Burke, Division Head |
513-556-7029 | MEH 4200D |
Pamela Latham,Ā Program Coordinator | 513-556-9488 | MEH 4200 |
Music Education
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
BettyAnne Gottlieb, Division Head | 513-556-9530 | MEH 5239 |
Suzanne Wright, Executive Staff Assistant | 513-556-6017 | MEH 5243 |
Performance Studies
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
James Bunte, Division Head | 513-556-3442 | DVACĀ 331 |
Claudia Penn, Administrative Secretary II | 513-556-3442 | DVAC 331 |
Karen Lykes, Voice Department Chair | 513-556-9516 | DVAC 209 |
Pavel Vinnitsky, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion Department Chair | 513-556-9540 | MEM 371 |
Rachel Calin, String Department ChairĀ | 513-556-1118 | MEM 354 |
Christopher Wilke, Classical Guitar Program CoordinatorĀ | 513-556-3442 | Ā |
Russell Burge, Percussion Program CoordinatorĀ | 513-556-9423 | CC 1371 |
Sarah Minneman, Chamber Music Coordinator | 513-556-3442 | DVAC |
Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration (TAPAA)
Name | Telephone | Office Location |
Rebecca Bromels, TAPAA Division Head |
513-556-5803 | CC 4730 |
Deborah Neiheisel-DeZarn,Ā Program Manager | 513-556-5803 | CC 4740 |
Jen Lampson, Production Manager/Financial Administrator | 513-556-9439 | CC 4745 |
Amy Johnson, Opera Department ChairĀ | Ā | DVACĀ 217 |
Vincent DeGeorge, Musical Theatre ChairĀ | 513-556-4030 |
CC 4764 |
Brant Russell, Acting Department Chair | 513-556-9407 | CC 3717 |
Shauna Steele, Dance Department Chair | 513-556-9594 | CC 3723 |
Rebecca Bromels, Arts Administration Department Chair | 513-556-5803 | CCĀ 4730 |
Matthew Tibbs, Theatre Design and Production Chair |
513-556-9597 |
CC 1475 |
Scene ShopĀ | 513-556-3709 | CC 3480 |
Sound Design GA OfficeĀ | 513-556-9774 | CC 1463 |
Faculty Listings By Academic Department
Composition, Musicology and Theory
Composition Faculty
Miguel A. Roig-Francoli,
Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music Theory and Composition
Music Theory Faculty
Miguel A. Roig-Francoli,
Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music Theory and Composition
Musicology Faculty
Jonathan Kregor,
Division Head of Composition, Musicology, and Theory; Professor of Musicology
Vicky Mogollon Montagne,
Charles Henry Turner Post-Doctoral Fellow
Stephanie P. Schlagel,
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor of Musicology
Jewel Smith,
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Musicology
Composition, Musicology and Theory Division Head and Staff
Ensembles and Conducting
Chamber Music Faculty
Choral Studies Faculty
Commercial Music Production Faculty
Moni (Jasmine) Guo,
Assistant Professor of Commercial Music Production
Aaron Jacobs,
Adjunct Instructor of Jazz Studies (Bass and Combos)
Kim C. Pensyl,
Division Head - General Studies; Program Director - Commercial Music Production; Professor of Music
Jacob Richter,
Adjunct Instructor of Media Production and Commercial Music Production
Andy Villemez,
Interim Division Head of Keyboard Studies; Associate Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy
Jazz Studies Faculty
Craig Bailey,
Interim Director of Jazz Studies; Associate Professor of Music in Jazz Saxophone
Russell Burge,
Percussion Program Coordinator; Professor of Percussion
Aaron Jacobs,
Adjunct Instructor of Jazz Studies (Bass and Combos)
Kim C. Pensyl,
Division Head - General Studies; Program Director - Commercial Music Production; Professor of Music
Rick VanMatre,
Adjunct Professor of Jazz Studies and Saxophone; Professor Emeritus
Orchestral Studies Faculty
Mark I. Gibson,
Director of Orchestral Studies; Professor of Music
Wind Studies Faculty
Kevin Michael Holzman,
Division Head of Ensembles and Conducting; Director and Associate Professor of Wind Studies
Ensembles and Conducting Division Head and Staff
Kevin Michael Holzman,
Division Head of Ensembles and Conducting; Director and Associate Professor of Wind Studies
General Studies
General Studies Faculty
Ellen R. Harrison,
Adjunct Associate Professor of Composition (General Studies); CCM Prep Master Teacher, Theory and Composition
David B McDonnell,
Adjunct Instructor in General Studies (Music)
Kim C. Pensyl,
Division Head - General Studies; Program Director - Commercial Music Production; Professor of Music
Gabriel Saba,
Academic Advisor; Adjunct Instructor of General Studies
General Studies Division Head and Staff
Kim C. Pensyl,
Division Head - General Studies; Program Director - Commercial Music Production; Professor of Music
Keyboard Studies
Collaborative Piano Faculty
Kenneth R. Griffiths,
Director of Collaborative Piano Activities; Professor of Collaborative Piano
Donna H. Loewy,
Professor of Collaborative Piano; Accompanist-in-Residence
Organ/Harpsichord Faculty
John Austin Deaver,
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Keyboard Studies
Piano Pedagogy Faculty
Lynn Worcester Jones,
Associate Professor of Piano Pedagogy; Coordinator of Group Piano
Andy Villemez,
Interim Division Head of Keyboard Studies; Associate Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy
Piano Performance Faculty
Michael S. Chertock,
Chair of Piano Department; Professor of Piano
Piano Technology Faculty
Rebekah Whitacre,
Director of Piano Services; Adjunct Instructor of Piano Technology
Keyboard Studies Division Head and Staff
Suzanne M Wright,
Executive Staff Assistant for Music Education and Keyboard Studies
Media Production
Media Production Faculty
Peter DePietro,
Professor of New Media; First Official Executive Director of UC's Emeriti Center
Donald A. Hancock,
Assistant Professor of Film and Television Production
John M. Hebbeler,
Associate Professor of Music Technology Production
Hagit Limor,
Broadcast News Journalism & Media Professor, Division of Media Production, CCM
Drew Thomas,
Assistant Professor of Film and Television Production
Melissa Godoy,
Managing Producer of Digital Recording; Adjunct Instructor of Media Production
Jacob Richter,
Adjunct Instructor of Media Production and Commercial Music Production
SimĆ³n D. Sotelo,
Director of Recording Production; Adjunct Instructor of Digital Audio
Media Production Division Head and Staff
Music Education
Music Education Faculty
Eva G. Floyd,
Professor of Music Education, Director of CCM Community Women's Choir
BettyAnne Gottlieb,
Division Head and Associate Professor Educator of Music Education (Strings), Director of New Horizons Orchestra
Kristin Jutras,
Assistant Professor of Music Pedagogy - Educator
Music Education Division Head and Staff
BettyAnne Gottlieb,
Division Head and Associate Professor Educator of Music Education (Strings), Director of New Horizons Orchestra
Suzanne M Wright,
Executive Staff Assistant for Music Education and Keyboard Studies
Performance Studies
Brass Faculty
French Horn Faculty
Trombone Faculty
Trumpet Faculty
Tuba and Euphonium Faculty
Percussion Faculty
Russell Burge,
Percussion Program Coordinator; Professor of Percussion
Strings Faculty
Classical Guitar Faculty
Double Bass Faculty
Harp Faculty
Violoncello Faculty
Viola Faculty
Violin Faculty
Kurt Sassmannshaus,
Professor of Violin; the Dorothy Richard Starling Chair in Classical Violin
Voice Faculty
Amy S. Johnson,
J. Ralph Corbett Distinguished Chair of Opera; Professor of Voice (Soprano)
Karen Lykes,
Dieterle Chair of Music in memory of George Andreas and Elsa Fishcher Dieterle; Professor of Voice
Woodwinds Faculty
Bassoon Faculty
Clarinet Faculty
Ronald G. Aufmann,
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clarinet; CCM Prep Master Teacher, Clarinet
Pavel Vinnitsky,
Chair of Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion Department; Associate Professor of Clarinet
Flute Faculty
Oboe Faculty
Saxophone Faculty
Craig Bailey,
Interim Director of Jazz Studies; Associate Professor of Music in Jazz Saxophone
James Bunte,
Division Head of Performance Studies; Professor of Saxophone
Rick VanMatre,
Adjunct Professor of Jazz Studies and Saxophone; Professor Emeritus
Performance Studies Division Head and Staff
Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration
Acting Faculty
Brant Russell,
A.B., Dolly, Ralph and Julia Cohen Chair of Dramatic Performance; Associate Professor of Acting; Artistic Director, CCM Playwrights Workshop; Drama Editor, Cincinnati Review
Arts Administration Faculty
Rebecca Bromels,
Division Head of Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration (TAPAA); Chair and Associate Professor of Arts Administration
Elaine Cox,
Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Adjunct Instructor of Arts Administration
Brandon VanWaeyenberghe,
Adjunct Instructor of Arts Administration
Denton Yockey,
Professor of Theatre and Arts Administration; General Manager of CCM OnStage
Dance Faculty
John T. Bell,
Adjunct Instructor of Ballet, CCM Prep Ballet Instructor
Isabele Melo Elefson,
Adjunct Instructor of Dance, CCM Prep Ballet Instructor
Jonnie Lynn L. Jacobs-Percer,
Adjunct Instructor of Ballet, CCM Prep Ballet Director
Tricia Ann Sundbeck,
CCM Prep Performing Arts Specialist; CCM Prep Ballet Director; Adjunct Professor of Dance
Dance Accompanists
Musical Theatre Faculty
Ian Axness,
Assistant Professor of Musical Theatre and Resident Music Director
Vincent DeGeorge,
Patricia A. Corbett Distinguished Chair of Musical Theatre and the Joseph Weinberger Chair of Acting for the Lyric Stage
Sarah Folsom,
Assistant Professor-Educator of Musical Theatre Voice
Rachel Mollie Stevens,
Assistant Professor of Acting in Musical Theatre
Opera Faculty
Vincent DeGeorge,
Patricia A. Corbett Distinguished Chair of Musical Theatre and the Joseph Weinberger Chair of Acting for the Lyric Stage
Amy S. Johnson,
J. Ralph Corbett Distinguished Chair of Opera; Professor of Voice (Soprano)
Theatre Design and Production Faculty and Staff
Costume Design and Technology Faculty and Staff
Erin Mckenzie Donnelly,
Adjunct Instructor of Costume Design and Technology
Lighting Design and Technology Faculty and Staff
Gregory S. Falcione,
Master Electrician; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Lighting Design and Technology
Thomas Hase,
Visiting Assistant Professor of Lighting Design and Technology
Sharon Huizinga,
ON PROFESSIONAL LEAVE. Returning 06/2025 Lighting Design and Technology
Kevin Lawson,
Assistant Professor of Lighting Design and Technology
Make-Up and Wig Design Faculty
Stage Design Faculty and Staff
Ashley Crockett,
Staff Props Supervisor; Adjunct Instructor of Theatre Design and Production
Jessica Secrest,
Scenic Artist; Adjunct Instructor of Theatre Design and Production
Stage Management Faculty
Sound Design Faculty
Matthew Daniel Tibbs,
Chair of Theatre Design and Production; Assistant Professor of Sound Design
Technical Production Faculty and Staff
Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration Division Head and Staff
Rebecca Bromels,
Division Head of Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration (TAPAA); Chair and Associate Professor of Arts Administration