Wind Studies

The CCM Wind Ensembles rehearses in Corbett Auditorium with Maestro Kevin Holzman

CCM's Department of Wind Studies offers five ensembles for credit, including the CCM Wind Symphony, CCM Wind Ensemble, CCM Chamber Winds, CCM Musica Nova and CCM Brass Choir.

Each ensemble meets two to three times per week and each performs six full programs annually. Each graduate conducting student conducts all five of these ensembles each year, supervised by Director of Wind Studies Kevin Michael Holzman.

Degree Programs

CCM offers both the Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting. The following courses are core to both programs:

  • Survey of Wind Literature: Year-long course covering the wind repertoire from the Medieval period through today. Assessment is based on score identification, listening identification, and essay topics.
  • Seminar in Wind Conducting: Weekly meeting of graduate students to address repertoire, rehearsal techniques and other skills required for conductors. Conducting majors participate in this course twice weekly during each semester in residence.
  • Applied Study in Wind Conducting: Weekly private conducting lessons with Professor Holzman to view recordings of rehearsals, discuss score study, and improve technique.


Headshot of Kevin Michael Holzman

Kevin Michael Holzman

Division Head of Ensembles and Conducting; Director and Associate Professor of Wind Studies

Ensembles and Conducting Division Head and Staff

Headshot of Kevin Michael Holzman

Kevin Michael Holzman

Division Head of Ensembles and Conducting; Director and Associate Professor of Wind Studies

Headshot of Katie Frisco

Katie Frisco

Program Manager for Ensembles and Conducting


CCM's admissions process begins on August 1 (undergraduate) and September 1 (graduate) for entrance in the following year's fall semester. All application materials must be submitted on or before December 1 to be considered for specific scholarship awards. Visit the CCM Admissions website for additional application instructions.

Conducting (Choral, Orchestral, Wind) - MM, DM


Applicants must submit the required pre-screening materials via on or before December 3 in order to be considered for admissions and invited for an audition.

Pre-screening Requirements

Note: Your video should be from the ensemble perspective, not from behind the conductor.

  • Choral 
    • Conducting/Teaching: Submit a 20–30-minute video that demonstrates your conducting and rehearsal. Include at least one complete piece. Note: The camera angle should be focused from the ensemble perspective, so your face and gestures are visible.
    • Keyboard: Demonstrate your musicianship by submitting an example of a solo piece where you feel most comfortable and musical.
    • Vocal: Submit a video of your solo vocal abilities. This can be any song, aria, lieder, etc. of your choosing. Consider demonstrating your musical ability, use of language, and intonation skills.
    • 2 letters of recommendation 
    • DMA applicants must submit an essay.
      • This essay could be either a demonstration of your scholarship (analysis, scholarly writing, or published article) or a statement of your desire to pursue a DMA in Choral Conducting (no more than two pages).
  • Orchestral Video recording (no more than 15 minutes) of at least two contrasting works in performance/rehearsal; either excerpts thereof or in their entirety (may include one rehearsal video)
  • Wind
    • Two video recordings of rehearsals (15 min each, maximum)
    • Two video recordings of performances (15 min each, maximum)
    • 2 letters of recommendation 
    • DMA applicants must submit an essay.


Choral Conducting

Applicants who pass the pre-screening will be invited to campus for an interview, conducting audition, and skills exam. Details of the audition will be sent to the appropriate applicants in  January.

Orchestral Conducting

Applicants who pass the pre-screening will be invited to campus for an interview, conducting audition, and skills exam. Details of the audition will be sent to the appropriate applicants in  January.

Wind Conducting

The in-person audition will consist of:

  • Conducting two works (one large ensemble, one chamber) which will be determined at the time of invitation
  • A 30-minute aural skills diagnostic exam
  • Complete a diagnostic wind literature exam
  • Interview with the faculty
  • One-hour lesson with Professor Holzman
a vibrant performance

Janelle's Notes

Committed to performing diverse and exciting programs, the CCM Wind Symphony is comprised of highly advanced performers of wind and percussion instruments. The ensemble is internationally recognized as one of the finest groups of its kind. Each semester the players are auditioned and assigned parts on a rotating basis. Following a philosophy of one player per part and adopting flexible instrumentation according to the composer’s intentions, the ensemble performs chamber music, selected transcriptions, concerti and original full ensemble repertoire spanning five centuries. The CCM Wind Symphony performs six concerts on campus per season and also participates in recording sessions for album release under the Klavier Records label.

Acknowledged as "wonderful and exciting" with performances described as "powerful, moving and thrilling," the CCM Wind Ensemble draws its membership from the finest undergraduate and graduate musicians. Acclaimed for the quality of its performances as well as the diversity and originality of its programming, the CCM Wind Ensemble is dedicated to bringing the finest traditional and contemporary literature to their audiences. This organization has appeared numerous times before the Ohio Music Educators Association, the Kentucky Music Educators Association, the American Society of University Composers, and has been heard nationally through broadcasts on National Public Radio.

The CCM Chamber Winds is comprised of two double wind quintets and focuses on standard wind chamber music repertoire, including works by such composers as Mozart, Krommer, Beethoven, and Strauss, as well as more contemporary repertoire. The CCM Chamber Winds ensemble performs at CCM and throughout the Greater Cincinnati community.

Founded in 1946 by Ernest N. Glover, the CCM Brass Choir is comprised of French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion and performs original and transcribed music for brass ensemble. Directed by Professor Timothy Northcut, the Brass Choir has been featured at nearly every important educational conference in the United States, and serves as a leading collegiate brass ensemble.

CCM’s newest ensemble, CCM Musica Nova was founded in 2022. Consisting of a solo compliment of strings, winds, keyboards and percussion, it is dedicated to the music of living composers. The ensemble performs five programs per year of exciting and innovative new music composed by some of the world’s most renowned and creative artists.

All graduate students in wind conducting that are in full-time residence receive a University Graduate Scholarship for full tuition. Wind Conducting majors also receive a 90% assistantship for 18 hours of work per week. Duties for the assistantship are divided among the studio and include:

  • Teaching assistant for undergraduate instrumental conducting classes
  • Instructor of first-year Introduction to Conducting class
  • Teaching assistant for Survey of Wind Literature
  • Public relations
  • Scheduling
  • Program information
  • Rehearsal and performance set-up and strike
  • Production assistant for recording sessions

Wind Conducting majors are assigned repertoire to rehearse and perform with five ensembles on a rotating basis, normally working with all ensembles each year.

News and Events


CCM Wind Symphony goes to the movies with John Williams...

Event: March 12, 2025 7:30 PM

The CCM Wind Symphony continues their season with Summon the Heroes: A John Williams Celebration. Featuring music from beloved blockbusters like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, the concert is a chance for audiences to experience movie magic in the concert hall. Rounding out the program is Gershwin’s showstopping Rhapsody in Blue, performed by CCM pianist Trinity Le. The concert takes place Wednesday March 12 at 7:30 p.m. in Corbett Auditorium. Tickets are on sale now through the CCM Box Office.


CCM Wind Symphony presents 'Inspirations' concert on Feb. 2

Event: February 2, 2025 4:00 PM

The CCM Wind Symphony is joined by the Cincinnati Wind Band and the CCM Trombone Choir to present a thrilling concert of collaborations, culminating in a performance of Respighi’s epic Pines of Rome. Titled "Inspirations" the performance is at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 2 in Corbett Auditorium.


CCM hosts Moveable Feast gala fundraiser on Jan. 24, 2025

Event: January 24, 2025 12:00 AM

UC College-Conservatory of Music hosts its Moveable Feast fundraising gala live and in-person on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. Presented by CCMpower, a dedicated volunteer group of friends, advocates and alumni, Moveable Feast 2025: A Tempo generates essential support for the next generation of performing and media artists at CCM. Learn more about the event's "artistic menu" in our digital program!


CCM winter apparel available for purchase online

November 27, 2024

Show your school spirit this spring with official CCM apparel! New UC College-Conservatory of Music apparel is available for purchase online. CCM's latest quarter zip and crewneck sweatshirt designs can be ordered online now through Dec. 8, 2024. You can preview both items below.


Giving Tuesday: Support CCM health and wellness

November 26, 2024

For the UC College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) community, Giving Tuesday offers a unique opportunity to make a significant impact by supporting Student Health and Wellness. As our students dedicate themselves to the arts – pursuing rigorous schedules filled with practice, performance, and academic study – their mental and physical well-being is crucial.


Watch: The CCM Wind Symphony performs guest composer Viet...

November 20, 2024

The UC College-Conservatory of Music's concert series continued on November 1 with a performance by the CCM Wind Symphony presenting multiple pieces by guest composer Viet Cuong, who is one of the most inventive voices in the wind repertoire. The centerpiece of the concert was Cuong’s piece Re(new)al, a concerto for percussion quartet that celebrates the innovations of renewable energy. The four soloists use crystal glasses, a single snare drum, compressed air cans and more to evoke three sources of renewable energy: hydro, wind and solar.


Attend a concert or show at CCM: Spring schedule of major events...

November 18, 2024

Experience world-class performances by the next generation of performing and media artists at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)! The college’s spring 2025 schedule of major events is now available; tickets are on sale now through the CCM Box Office.


CCM Winds students perform in double-feature concerts with Mark...

November 15, 2024

The CCM Wind Ensemble and CCM Wind Symphony perform two programs of exciting repertoire over the span of two days — both performances feature guest conductor Mark Davis Scatterday. The November 20 “Masterworks” concert features the full Wind Ensemble in large-scale pieces ranging from Bernstein to Milhaud. The November 21 concert features the CCM Wind Symphony Chamber Winds, performing intimate selections from Mozart, Stravinsky and Grainger.. Tickets are on sale now through the CCM Box Office.


Get to know CCM’s newest faculty/staff members and unit heads

November 1, 2024

UC’s College-Conservatory of Music will welcome a variety of new faculty and staff members to its roster of distinguished performing and media arts experts, researchers and educators this fall. In addition, the college is also welcoming several current faculty members into new leadership roles this year.

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