
Piano student performs on Steinway piano with her reflection on the lid

Piano study at CCM emphasizes the development of pianistic, musical, performing and teaching skills.

All degree programs are designed to integrate the great traditions of the past with the development of skills necessary for the demands of the music profession in the 21st century. The various degree programs are rigorous in their challenges, while retaining flexibility in order to address each student's relative strengths and weaknesses on an individual basis. Piano students at CCM can avail themselves of the enormous variety of programs offered by the college and the university to supplement the core music curriculum.

The philosophy of the CCM Piano Department is one of strong reliance on the mentoring process, by which the students' private teachers guide them both pianistically and musically, and advise them in all aspects of their overall education and development. Our goal is to prepare our students to excel in the demands of college life as well as to prepare them for the rigors of today's professional world.

Degree Programs

A Bachelor of Music (BM) is available in piano, as well as in organ and harpsichord. There is also a degree in Music Education with concentration in these instruments. The Music Education program can be completed in conjunction with major study, constituting a double major which is normally a five year program.

CCM also offers a Bachelor of Arts degree for the student wishing to pursue a more liberal arts oriented program of studies while maintaining their concentration in music. This degree offers a greater emphasis on non-music academics, and is designed for students who do not seek either a performing or a music education degree. Learn more about the Music BA program.

A Master of Music (MM) degree is offered in both piano and collaborative piano. Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) and Artist Diploma (AD) degrees are also offered in piano.

Headshot of Polina Bespalko

Polina Bespalko

Adjunct Instructor of Piano


Headshot of Dror Biran

Dror Biran

Professor of Piano

Headshot of Michael S. Chertock

Michael S. Chertock

Chair of Piano Department; Professor of Piano


Headshot of Sara Daneshpour

Sara Daneshpour

Assistant Professor of Piano


Headshot of Anna Vinnitsky

Anna Vinnitsky

Adjunct Instructor of Piano Performance


Headshot of Lynn Worcester Jones

Lynn Worcester Jones

Associate Professor of Piano Pedagogy; Coordinator of Group Piano


Headshot of Andy Villemez

Andy Villemez

Interim Division Head of Keyboard Studies; Associate Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy


Headshot of Kenneth R. Griffiths

Kenneth R. Griffiths

Director of Collaborative Piano Activities; Professor of Collaborative Piano


Headshot of Donna H. Loewy

Donna H. Loewy

Professor of Collaborative Piano; Accompanist-in-Residence


Headshot of Sandra M. Rivers

Sandra M. Rivers

Professor of Collaborative Piano


Headshot of Rebekah Whitacre

Rebekah Whitacre

Director of Piano Services; Adjunct Instructor of Piano Technology

Headshot of Andy Villemez

Andy Villemez

Interim Division Head of Keyboard Studies; Associate Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy


Headshot of Suzanne M Wright

Suzanne M Wright

Executive Staff Assistant for Music Education and Keyboard Studies

CCM's admissions process begins on August 1 (undergraduate) and September 1 (graduate) for entrance in the following year's fall semester. All application materials must be submitted on or before December 1 to be considered for specific scholarship awards. Visit the CCM Admissions website for additional application instructions.

Piano - BM


Applicants must submit the required pre-screening materials via getacceptd.com/ccm on or before December 3 in order to be considered for admissions.

Pre-screening Requirements
  • At least three solo pieces from contrasting style periods and must include a complete sonata of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven (excluding Opus 49) or Schubert
  • All Sonatas, Variations, Suites, and other individual works written with multiple movements must be prepared in their entirety. Sets of pieces that are intended to be performed together must be prepared in their entirety (For example: Schumann Carnaval, Davidsbündlertanze, or Kreisleriana; Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition; Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue)
  • Compositions should be performed by memory with the exception of extraordinarily prohibitive 20th and 21st century compositions
  • Etudes encouraged


Audition Requirements
BM Piano Performance and Double Majors

The repertoire requirements are the same as the pre-screening requirements.

BM Music Education (Piano Concentration)
  • At least three solo pieces from contrasting style periods and must include an allegro movement from a sonata of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert
  • Compositions should be performed by memory with the exception of extraordinarily prohibitive 20th and 21st century compositions
Audition Dates
  • February 7 (on campus)
  • February 8 (on campus)
  • February 13 (on campus)
  • February 14 (on campus)
  • February 15 (on campus)

Recorded auditions are permitted and must be uploaded to Acceptd by February 1.

Piano - MM, DMA


Applicants must submit the required pre-screening materials via getacceptd.com/ccm on or before December 3 in order to be invited for an audition and considered for admissions.

Pre-screening Requirements
  • At least three solo pieces from contrasting style periods and must include a complete sonata of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven (excluding Opus 49) or Schubert
  • All Sonatas, Variations, Suites and other individual works written with multiple movements must be prepared in their entirety
  • Sets of pieces that are intended to be performed together must be prepared in their entirety (For example: Schumann Carnaval, Davidsbündlertanze, or Kreisleriana; Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition; Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue).
  • Etudes are encouraged
  • Compositions should be performed by memory with the exception of extraordinarily prohibitive 20th and 21st century compositions.
  • The choice of repertoire should be indicative of the capacity to thrive artistically in graduate level piano study.


Audition Requirements
  • Repertoire is the same as the pre-screening requirements
Audition Dates
  • February 7 (on campus)
  • February 8 (on campus)
  • February 13 (on campus)
  • February 14 (on campus)
  • February 15 (on campus)

Recorded auditions are permitted and must be uploaded to Acceptd by February 1.

Piano - AD


Applicants must submit the required pre-screening materials via getacceptd.com/ccm on or before December 3 in order to be considered for admissions.

Pre-screening Requirements
  • At least 60 minutes of solo repertoire, preferably from diverse style periods, giving ample evidence of the capacity to perform, record and compete at an international level.
  •  Etude encouraged for all degree programs
  • All Sonatas, Variations, Suites, and other individual works written with multiple movements must be prepared in their entirety
  • Sets of pieces that are intended to be performed together must be prepared in their entirety (For example: Schumann Carnaval, Davidsbündlertanze, or Kreisleriana; Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition; Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue)


Audition Requirements
  • Same requirements as prescreening.
Audition Dates
  • February 7 (on campus)
  • February 8 (on campus)
  • February 13 (on campus)
  • February 14 (on campus)
  • February 15 (on campus)

Recorded auditions are permitted and must be uploaded to Acceptd by February 1.

Secondary Piano Graduate Assistantship Application Requirements

Upload the following three-page PDF document to your graduate application:

Page One: General Info

  • Your name, address, phone, email
  • Previous degrees
  • The degree program you are applying for in CCM 
  • Name and email of three references

Page Two: Experience

  • Pedagogy courses
  • Teaching background
  • Experience in any sort of working environment

Page Three: Teaching Philosophy

  • Why you want a teaching assistantship?
  • What qualifications do you have that would make you a good fit for the position?
  • Anything that would be of benefit when we are looking at potential graduate assistants

*Interviews will be determined after admissions decisions are released.

Collaborative Piano (Accompanying) - MM


Applicants must submit the required pre-screening materials via getacceptd.com/ccm on or before December 3.

Pre-screening Requirements
  • A solo piano selections (5’-7’ in length) performed on a grand piano
  • One movement from a Sonata for piano and either a wind or string instrument
  • Two art songs, one of which must be by Schubert
  • One opera aria
  • It is understood that all of these selections will be performed with appropriate partners


Audition Requirements

Applicants who are invited to audition must send their choices from the following repertoire three weeks before your scheduled live audition date to Professor Griffiths [griffikr@ucmail.uc.edu]

  • the first movement of one of the following works Brahms Sonata Op 120 #1 OR #2 (with clarinet) Beethoven Sonata for Cello and Piano Op 69 OR op 102 #1
  • Four of the following art songs:
    • Schubert "Rastlose Liebe”
    • Brahms "Feldeinsamkeit”
    • Copland "When they come back” from 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson
    • Debussy "Green” from Ariettes oubliées
    • Fauré "Mandoline”
  • Either Mimi’s aria "Donde lieta” from La Boheme OR the recitative to the Contessa’s aria "Dove sono” from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro

If you are especially interested in instrumental collaboration, you may substitute the first movement of Rachmaninov’s Sonata for Cello and Piano instead of the above options and offer two art songs plus one of the opera selections above.

All collaborative piano applicants will have two sight-reading tests:

  • Sight reading a piano part from a collaborative work you have not played
  • Play AND sing, OR add the vocal line to the piano part of a song you will receive at the audition.
Audition Dates
  • February 8 (on campus)
  • February 15 (on campus)

Recorded auditions are not permitted.

Details for Accompanying Assistantships

Musical Theatre Accompanying Assistantship

Open to all pianists, no pre-screening required.

  • Play something you know well
  • Sight read material from the musical theater repertoire 
  • Knowledge and experience in musical theater repertoire is mandatory
  • Please email Ian Axness [axnessir@ucmail.uc.edu] if you have any questions about this assistantship.
Opera Pianists Accompanying Assistantship

See AD Opera Coaching for more information about pre-screening and live audition requirements.

Studio Accompanying Assistantship
Pre-screening Requirements
  • One movement from a Sonata for piano with either a wind or string instrument.

In addition, applicants for the studio accompanist assistantship must email Professor Kenneth Griffiths at griffikr@ucmail.uc.edu the following:

  • a professional resume or CV
  • a personal statement indicating your interest in collaborating with other musicians.
  • and a complete repertoire list (vocal, instrumental, or both)
Audition Requirements
  • If auditioning for the Instrumental Assistantship - prepare ONE of the Beethoven or Brahms Sonata movements OR the first movement of the Rachmaninov Sonata for Cello and piano
  • If auditioning for the Vocal Studio Assistantship – prepare four of the five options listed above
  • If auditioning for both assistantships, all of the above requirements must be prepared.

Special Opportunities

CCM's Collaborative Piano MM degree includes the opportunity to hone your craft with our exceptionally talented singers and instrumentalists, guided by the department's experienced and highly respected faculty. Additionally, Collaborative Piano majors receive individual lessons weekly from Piano Department faculty members as well as the collaborative piano faculty.

In addition to the Graduate Assistantship awards, the Collaborative Department will award a $5,000 scholarship to the outstanding applicant of the year.

“CCM’s collaborative piano program gave me the necessary skills and opportunities to begin and sustain a career in this richly varied field. I am endlessly grateful for the faculty’s knowledge, leadership, and guidance, as well as the relationships I built with classmates who have become lifelong friends and colleagues.”

Allen Perriello (MM 2008)

“The industry-leading and renowned CCM Collaborative Piano faculty have taken a personal interest in my development as an artist and have provided me with all the tools necessary to succeed in the profession. My education coupled with the vibrant Cincinnati arts community has given me valuable and varied experience that will enable my future success.”

Parker Konkle MM 2024

Incoming music majors (except piano majors) must sign up for the appropriate piano sequence.

Requirements for Incoming Students

  • Piano for Music Education and Jazz Majors: 16PIAN1020
  • Functional Keyboard Skills for Performance Majors:  16PIAN1040
  • Functional Keyboard Skills for Composition, Music Theory and Music History: 16PIAN1040

After you have completed your requirements, you may take Elective Piano Study.

For those majors expecting proof of piano proficiency, an examination is issued by your area of study.  See your advisor for the administration of this proficiency.


  • MM Theory: See your advisor
  • MM Music History: See your advisor
  • MM Composition: See your advisor
  • MM Music Education: See your advisor
  • MM/DMA Voice: See your advisor
  • MM/DMA Instrumental: NO piano requirement
  • MM/DMA Conducting: See your advisor
  • DMA Composition: NO proficiency required
  • PhD Theory: NO proficiency required
  • PhD Musicology: NO proficiency required

Course Requirements

If you are required by your advisor to take piano courses to become proficient, sign up for:

  • MM/DMA Voice: 16PIAN8020
  • MM Composition, Music Theory, Musicology: 16PIAN8022
  • MM/DMA Conducting: 16PIAN8040 (if not available, 8022)
  • MM Music Education: 16PIAN8024

Group Piano for Non-Music Majors

Group piano for non-music majors is designed for students who wish to learn music reading, piano technique, music theory and chord playing. Courses are geared towards students with 0-2 years of piano backgrround and are open to non-CCM students.

  • Group Piano for Non-Music Majors: 16PIAN1001
  • Group Piano for Non-Music Majors (Graduate Students): 16PIAN8001
  • Group Piano for Non-Music Majors II: 16PIAN1002
  • Group Piano for Non-Music Majors II (Graduate Students): 16PIAN8002

Private Piano Lessons

The piano elective is available for CCM students who have completed their degree requirements and for university students with previous piano experience. Eight years of previous piano study is usually necessary, and an audition may be required.

Students need the permission of CCM's Keyboard Studies Division head in order to sign up for the piano elective. Contact Professor Michelle Conda for more information.

If the class is closed, sign up on the waiting list outside 5221 Mary Emery Hall. If a spot opens up, you will be contacted.

  • 16PIAN5030 (Undergraduates)
  • 16PIAN8030 (Graduate Students)

Direct all questions to Michelle Conda, Coordinator of Secondary Piano and Piano Pedagogy.

In state-of-the-art facilities, students practice and perform on instruments that include 200 pianos, eight harpsichords, a fortepiano, a clavichord and seven pipe organs. Keyboard Studies majors have separate practice rooms, and CCM's performance spaces include four traditional halls plus other chamber spaces. These features contribute to an environment conducive to improving musical and performing skills, helping to prepare students for their professional careers. Learn more about the CCM Village.

The city of Cincinnati offers a rich cultural environment for our piano students. The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra is a world-class ensemble, and features top soloists throughout the season. In addition there are piano recital and chamber music series in several venues around Cincinnati, as well as ballet, opera and art museums. Visiting artists are often invited to give master classes at CCM; recent guests include Emanuel Ax, Barry Douglas, Gary Graffman and Claude Frank.

News and Events


Two CCM alums retire after decades of making a difference in NY

February 11, 2025

UC College-Conservatory of Music alumni Leslie Jones and Dalia Sakas will retire from the Filomen M. D’Agostino Greenberg Music School, an institution dedicated to providing music education to the blind and visually impaired after decades of service.


CCM Philharmonia performs Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring' in...

Event: January 31, 2025 7:30 PM

The CCM Philharmonia wishes to summon spring early in its upcoming concert on Friday, Jan. 31. Titled "Wishful Thinking" the performance features spring-inspired works by Robert Schumann and Igor Stravinsky. Tickets are on sale now through the CCM Box Office.


CCM hosts Moveable Feast gala fundraiser on Jan. 24, 2025

Event: January 24, 2025 12:00 AM

UC College-Conservatory of Music hosts its Moveable Feast fundraising gala live and in-person on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. Presented by CCMpower, a dedicated volunteer group of friends, advocates and alumni, Moveable Feast 2025: A Tempo generates essential support for the next generation of performing and media artists at CCM. Learn more about the event's "artistic menu" in our digital program!


CCM winter apparel available for purchase online

November 27, 2024

Show your school spirit this spring with official CCM apparel! New UC College-Conservatory of Music apparel is available for purchase online. CCM's latest quarter zip and crewneck sweatshirt designs can be ordered online now through Dec. 8, 2024. You can preview both items below.


Giving Tuesday: Support CCM health and wellness

November 26, 2024

For the UC College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) community, Giving Tuesday offers a unique opportunity to make a significant impact by supporting Student Health and Wellness. As our students dedicate themselves to the arts – pursuing rigorous schedules filled with practice, performance, and academic study – their mental and physical well-being is crucial.


CCM Philharmonia performs a US premiere in Nov. 25 concert

Event: November 25, 2024 7:30 PM

The CCM Philharmonia welcomes distinguished guest conductor Guido Rumstadt, from the Hochschule für Musik in Nuremberg, in a program spanning 200 years of German music on Monday, Nov. 25. Featuring CCM faculty artist Dror Biran in Schumann’s beloved Piano Concerto in A Minor. Tickets are on sale through the CCM Box Office.


Attend a concert or show at CCM: Spring schedule of major events...

November 18, 2024

Experience world-class performances by the next generation of performing and media artists at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)! The college’s spring 2025 schedule of major events is now available; tickets are on sale now through the CCM Box Office.


Get to know CCM’s newest faculty/staff members and unit heads

November 1, 2024

UC’s College-Conservatory of Music will welcome a variety of new faculty and staff members to its roster of distinguished performing and media arts experts, researchers and educators this fall. In addition, the college is also welcoming several current faculty members into new leadership roles this year.

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